Welcome to Rock of Dreams. This website hosts the work of Dr Charlotte von Bülow and Dr Fergus Anderson. We are two academics, educators and researchers and we are also practicing artists. Oh, and we are married. This website brings together our diverse activities with the idea that life, love, health, work, leisure, art and research all belong together. Everything is connected.
And another thing: Four years ago Fergus was diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease. This has had a major impact on both our lives. Our response to this challenge has taken us in new directions and one of our main interests is now in researching and documenting the approaches to health, healing and spiritual, psychological and physical well-being that we have discovered along the way. Much of what you will find on this site is related to that.
The name ‘rock of dreams’ comes from one of Fergus’ songs (see the music page). The rock of dreams is a place where sea ravens come to dry their wings and contemplate the setting Sun. It is also the steady rock of the present in the midst of the surging sea of time. Here all dreams are possible and everything is effortless. Welcome to the rock of dreams.
Do get in touch if you have questions, reflections, contributions, or anything else regarding the content presented here. We would love to hear from you.